School Blues- back to the mill

The school bags are packed, Clothes are labelled ( new stationery is waiting near the front door waiting to be loaded in the boot-one set of different things for each child. It feels like I’m preparing to load up my car as we do for a holiday. Ensure everything is packed. Double, triple and quadruple check that all is order.  It isnt – lunches aren’t made, and there are just 1 or 2 items which are not checked. And thats ok.

Back to school

On your marks…

As I’m preparing for this journey i realize its not just about the first day of school – its a journey leading towards the entire year. Ready, set, GO!!!! A marathon till the finish line. A marathon which ends only in December. Only when your feet touch the beach sand (I’m from Jhb – no beach here), and you have sea salt coating your hair. Oh a holiday-

Back to now, back to school, back to life, back to taxi rounds,waking up early,homework.  The unpaid millionaire gets ready for her busy time. On your marks….

Did I mention the waking up early- yes this is an early morning trip- waking up at extraordinarily early hours. 6am compare to the usual 10am. Heres to a happy and prosperous few weeks ahead. The kids have also been sleeping late every night for the past 6 weeks, and waking up really early.

Putting my kids to bed tonight, i had a heart to heart chat with each of them regarding theirs feelings and fears regarding going to school tomorrow. The daughter, aged 6, who is starting grade 1 this year (sob)- had the following fears:

  1. Making friends ( but she knows she will make friends)
  2. What will she call the teacher.
  3. If she forgets the teachers name will I write it down for her on a paper.
  4. The teacher shouting at her
  5. If the teacher hits her.

My eldest son, 7 years old(yes I had them close together) has concerns mainly about readjusting to the social environment.

  1. Making friends.
  2. Making new friends(coz the class lists change)
  3. Finding friends with the same interests as him
  4. He feels that he is walking behind whilst everyone else is already behind the window (a metaphor from a 7 year old that i understand to mean that he feels that he is not always present in the moment, and feels like hes lagging behind).
  5. That his mum (thats me)will now start shouting and nagging again, and rushing them to get done  [me????? do a thing like that?? never!! ]


I find it very interesting (and amusing)to note the differences between my son and daughters pre grade 1 concerns. My sons concerns before grade 1 was:

  • Bullies
  • Waking up late
  • Whether he’ll be able to talk sport with the other kids
  • Not having friends
  • Not knowing what to do
  • If theres going to be a teacher like Mrs Trunchbull from Roald Dhall’s book “Matilda”
  • If he has a question can he ask the teacher to call me
  • What if the teacher kicks him out class if he doesnt know something
  • What if the school shoes are not actually brown, and everyone else is wearing black
  • What if in high school the shoes are black
  • What if everyone laughs at and teases him if he cries
  • What will the teachers say. What will happen at school.
  • What if he makes friends that are not his race or religion, and makes him do things against his religion
  • He wanted to look like everyone else (ie uniform wise)

I wonder where my son gets his worry-wart, indepth characteristic from. It must be passed on genetically from many generations ago. I certainly dont possess that gene-I’m cool as a cucumber. (yeah)

Having said that (cool-ly) i will really miss the time spent with my kids during the holiday, doing alot of nothing, a little bit of outings, and virtually no nagging. Pyjama days, movie days, and no-shower days. Ice cream almost every afternoon, and occasionally for breakfast too. Eating out, lounging in the park or garden. I will miss that. Time to schedule that waxing appointment. Hope the beautician hasn’t forgot me already…


To all the mums, (and caregivers) getting ready for school …I’m sending you a sprinkle of awesome fairy dust. You don’t need a lot, you already have most of your own. Sometimes you just forget where you kept it. May the 2016 school year be a productively efficient one for you, a learning and fun one for your kids, and a speedy one for the teachers.

Back to school 2